06 January 2010


This time the Blogging By Mail had Indulgence as its theme. I sent a parcel to Hawaii (see comments in previous post) and my parcel arrived from Michigan and contained tea, peanut butter pretzels, chocolate, a mix to make dip sauce and a book. Thanks Gina! Unfortunately, I have brought the wrong camera with me back, so the camera with the photos are still in Sweden. So you will have to be patient, and return here in about 3 weeks time to see the photo.

And yes, I know... There has been no updates. I had great plans for this blog. But then I bought the apartment in Sweden, and found that although it is a very very little place there is a great huge need for things to be renovated/refreshed. And now I am back at work, with so much to do. But patience is a virtue, would you believe.. :)

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